Denise Khoo

Born and bred in the enchanting landscapes of Penang, Denise Khoo's artistic journey is deeply rooted in the natural wonders that surrounded her upbringing. For close to a decade, Denise has been honing her craft.

Alongside her art prints, Denise also explores the world of pottery, further expanding her artistic repertoire and adding depth to her creative expression.

Describing her artworks as natural, raw, and genuine, Denise draws inspiration from her childhood memories of waking up to the sight of lush trees outside her parents' affordable flat in Penang. It was here, amidst the rugged landscape and the gentle rhythm of the monsoon rains, that Denise found solace and inspiration for her art.

Now based in Kuala Lumpur, Denise continues to channel the serenity of her childhood into her artwork, infusing each piece with a sense of nostalgia and tranquility. Through her art, Denise invites viewers to embark on a journey of discovery, where the beauty of nature meets the raw authenticity of the human experience.


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